Transport manager George Williams is swapping hi-vis jacket for charity t-shirt for a 27-mile walk in memory of his cousin Callum.

George, from Newtown, near Wem, will be walking from Veolia waste management company’s depots in Wem to Oswestry to raise money to support families who need Hope House children’s hospice.

The charity means a great deal to him as Hope House provided respite stays for his cousin Callum, who died at the age of 18. The hospice also supported the family to say their goodbyes to Callum at the hospice, and provided sibling support.

Callum had Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy, which meant he needed round-the-clock care. He regularly came to Hope House for respite stays.

“I’m close to my aunty and uncle Lisa and Chris and used to spend time with Callum, especially when he was younger,” says George.

“I remember looking after him for short periods of time to give his parents, a much-deserved break as care for Callum was a 24/7 job. He attended Hope House for respite stays and absolutely loved it. He had a cheeky smile and used to make staff laugh.”

Callum was guest of honour at George's wedding in 2016.

“I was also proud that he agreed to be guest of honour at my wedding in 2016.”

“Callum’s brothers Jack and Lewis have done previous fundraisers and I wanted to do my bit, too. We all feel it is important to give something back to the charity which was there for us.”

Support George's fundraising walk

George will be taking on his fundraising walk on 29th July taking a scenic route from Wem, following river, canals and footpaths, taking in Loppington, Colemere and Queen’s Head on his journey to Oswestry. He plans to start at 6am in the morning, and expects to complete the walk in seven to eight hours.

He will be cheered on by colleagues along the way, and is hoping to be joined by his four-legged walking buddy Oakley if the weather is kind.

“I walk a lot with my 12-month-old Labrador Oakley, regularly covering five or six miles a day, so I’m just upping my mileage a bit. It would be lovely to take Oakley with me but it depends on the temperature on the day,” he says.

George has raised more than £900 of his £1,000 target and is pleased to have received support from Veolia’s six Shropshire depots.

Callum’s mum Lisa thanked George for walking in memory of George.

She said: “George was an unbelievable help to us and also had an amazing bond with Callum. 

“Hope House Hospice have given our family so much support during Callum’s life so we are so proud of George for taking on this challenge for a charity that is close to our hearts.”

Find out more about giving in memory