Our Chief Executive Andy Goldsmith is taking on the challenge of a lifetime, braving a 600-foot high wing walk, dressed as Top Gun’s Maverick.

Andy will be strapped to a plane, enduring speeds of up to 140mph, dressed in Tom Cruise aviator gear. Andy, who confesses to not being a fan of heights, has had to lose a stone in weight to take part in the feat on 25th July.

He will be joined by 10 fellow daredevils in fancy dress including 89-year-old pensioner Chris Jones and dad David Whieldon who will be taking on the challenge in memory of his daughter Megs.

Andy will also be spurred on by Hope House fundraiser Dawn Ball, who’ll be dressed as mascot Tŷ Gobaith Tiger.

The wing walking event will be held at RFC Rendcomb near Cirencester, with the AeroSuperBatics Professional Wing Walking Team. It is organised by Anthony and Vanessa Watts, who have been long-term event organisers and supporters of Hope House.

Sign up for your our September wing walk

Fundraiser Dawn and CEO Andy are wing walking as Tŷ GobaithTiger and Top Gun's Maverick.

Andy explained that it was bravado and fundraising, that had convinced him to sign up for the wing walk on the 1940s Boeing Stearman.

He said: “Last year, our Chair of Trustees, Steve Henly, did a wing walk for Hope House and Ty Gobaith and in a moment of foolish bravado, I agreed to do it this year! Fundraiser Dawn Ball has taken pity on me and has also signed up so we can give each other moral support.

“I have had to lose over a stone in weight which has meant missing some of the lovely lunches made by the Hope House restaurant team. I have reached my target weight and now it’s all systems go.

“I recently went on the Giant Wheel in Cardiff, and that seemed very high at 35 metres! I’m trying not to think about how far up in the air I’ll be, but hopefully sponsorship from generous donors will help spur on me on.”

Help Andy to reach his £2,000 fundraising target